Leadership Luncheon 2023 Gallery
On Wednesday, May 10th, members of our Leadership Circle joined us for our annual Spring Leadership Reception and Luncheon, hosted at the Caroline Livermore Pavilion. Many of our guests are pictured below.
Leadership Luncheon 2023
Welcome to the guests Brian Salmen, Charles Raven, and Andy Evans Candy MacNaughton, Suzi Salmen, and Suzanne Mellor Cara Storm, Theresa Nelson, Brianna Cutts, and Antonia Adezio Chris Feibusch with Pat and John Cahill Diane Doodha (Board President Emeritus) with Tom Perry (Board President) and Julianne Polanco (Guest Speaker) Jennifer and Robert Leathers June and […]
Sprinkle; Dig; Society; Awesome
The official collective noun for a group of gardeners is known as a sprinkle. Other ones I’ve heard through the years include a dig of gardeners and a society of gardeners. Another name for a group of gardeners that come together regularly at Marin Art and Garden Center is the Horticultural Advisory Committee. I personally […]
Another season of Exploring Habitats
Second-grade classes in Marin County schools have a wonderful hands-on education opportunity here at Marin Art and Garden Center. A group of dedicated volunteers with the Marin Master Gardeners has developed a field trip program that dovetails with the science curriculum covered in second grade, and makes the most of the area of the grounds […]