A Touch of Frost

FROST. Though it damages some of our plants, it is beautiful. It is also helpful, in that it signals to us gardeners to cut back. It’s as close as we get to snow around here, and it has been a frosty winter here at the Center.

FLAME. We have been flaming the weeds in our gravel areas and along the edges of the paved paths. It’s an excellent, non-chemical way to control the weeds, plus it warms us up on those nippy mornings.

For the first time in recent memory, the daffodils popped up before the crocus. Will wonders never cease! 

There is a lot of pruning going on around here. As a result, we are doing a lot of cleaning of our pruners. The blade gets gummed up and loses its edge after days of trimming. Take good care of your tools and they’ll serve you a long time. 

Cerinthe major “Pride of Gibralter” will be showing off very soon—right now, you’ll only see the weedy looking green shoots in the island in the main parking lot, but just wait and soon you’ll see a brilliant show.

We had a wonderful time in the haiku workshop this week. Everyone took inspiration from the gardens; here is mine:

bare cane winter stark

the gardener’s hand tires


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IRS Guidelines for Gifts from Donor Advised Funds to Support MAGC Events

Thank you for your interest in giving to the Marin Art & Garden Center events from your Donor Advised Fund (DAF) or Family Foundation.

We sincerely appreciate your generosity and support!

To ensure your gift follows the current IRS guidelines for DAF/Family Foundation support of an event, we would like to share the below guidelines with you.

  • Raffle tickets, tickets to galas and other special events, auction items, and benefits conferred in connection with a DAF/foundation grant are not permitted.
    • IRS has specifically ruled that fair market value associated with fundraising events cannot be separated, a practice known as “bifurcation.”
      • For example, with Edible Garden, if the price of the ticket is $200 and the FMV fair market value (non-tax-deductible amount) is designated to be $50, the donor must pay from sources other than her DAF/foundation for the full value of the ticket ($200) and not just for the non-tax-deductible amount ($50).
    • We recommend you confer with your financial advisor to confirm if any of these examples of how donors may still use their DAF to support an event would work for you:
      • A donor could sponsor the event, and not attend, and pay fully out of the DAF/foundation.
      • A donor could sponsor the event using DAF/foundation funds and attend by purchasing an individual ticket through non-DAF/foundation funds.
      • A donor could sponsor the event, join the event as a guest of another donor/table guest, and pay fully out of the DAF/foundation.
      • A donor could sponsor the event and host the afforded number of people at their chosen level as long as they pay for the seats at the lowest ticket price ($200 for Edible Garden) outside of their DAF.
        • As an example, a $1,500 sponsor that covers 2 guests, could pay for their sponsorship with $400 from a different source of funds, and then give an additional gift of $1,100 out of their DAF.


Please email Tod Thorpe, Director of Development at tod.thorpe@maringarden.org to discuss your gift to Marin Art and Garden Center