As I walked around our campus Monday morning, all I could see was a weed patch with some flowers. Of course it’s actually the other way around: we have a beautiful garden here with some spring weeds. My gardener goggles were on and could only see the weeds.
That thought carried me to my general view on life. I see the world through the lens of nature first. It helps me make sense of my life and our world.
For many years I have seen my life as a garden, which as you know has both flowers and weeds. Well, that’s how I tend to see people: as flowers or a weed. When a weedy type tries to get established in my garden, I pull it out—I would like only flowers in my garden, thank you very much!
My optimistic outlook generally makes everyone a flower. It takes a lot for me to weed someone from my garden. Being a lifelong gardener, I’ve learned to maintain my gardens, and that applies to life, too.